If you received an email stating your account is suspended, you know your credit card on file is about to expire or you just need to change/update your credit card/billing info? Please use the following instructions to update your billing information IMMEDIATELY, to avoid suspension of your services and/or interruption of commissions (For Marketing Directors).
How to Update Your MWR Billing Information:
- Visit www.mwrfinancial.com.
- Click on Login (located in the top right hand corner of the site)
- Enter your Log in credentials and click Sign In.
- Click on "My Account" on the left hand side of the site.
- Your Profile information will appear and you will need to Click on "Billing" by using your cursor to move to the right across the top where your Profile is in white. Your Billing information will appear and you will need to correct your Credit Card Information for ALL fields that need to be updated.
- Then Click on the "Update Billing" button and you should be all set!
If for some reason, you are unable to update your information please feel free to submit an email to support@mwrfinancial.com or call customer support at (833) 955-2697 from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST Mon.-Fri. and one of our customer support team will be happy to assist you.